Top 5 Reasons Why Wooden Toys Are Better Than Plastic Toys

1. Cognitive Development
Did you know wooden toys aid in the cognitive development of a toddler? According to research, it has been proven that educational wooden toys help children focus and stimulate their intellectual development through reasoning while building their wooden empire such as the Grimms wooden blocks and Grimms Rainbow above, trying to put the pieces together and keep it intact.
Educational wooden toys also aid in imagination. With all the colour, different shapes and sizes toddlers have the ability to use their imagination to construct what they have in mind, bringing out that creativity from a young age.
Educational wooden toys bring about many cognitive developments in toddlers, such as:
1. Reasoning
2. Mindful Walking
3. Counting (Mathematical literacy)
4. Colour identification
5. Language development
6. Shape identification
So it is very important when choosing a toy for your kid’s, as this can either aid to your kid’s cognitive development or keep it stagnant. We have many educational toys for you to choose from at Amousewithahouse. You can also enjoy a 5% discount on your initial purchase if you sign up for our newsletter.
2. Social Interaction
Through open-ended play, children can openly express their creativity and their imagination. Open-ended play with educational wooden toys brings social interaction amongst other toddlers or even with parents.
When there is a puzzle or set of building blocks a child is about to play with, they are filled with excitement, waiting to apply their mind and figure things out. They get their amazing Mum and Dad or even a friend to come along to join them in this project. It is at this point where communication happens and words are exchanged as to where each building block or puzzle goes. This communication aids in the social interaction of fellow toddlers as well as family members and parents, bringing the extrovert out of the toddler.
The benefits of social interaction for toddlers through open-ended play are:
1. Development of Language skills
2. Development of social skills
3. Boosts self-confidence
4. Stimulates imagination and creativity
We have a fine list of educational wooden toys that aid in social development at Amousewithahouse. Get yours now. Take advantage of the 5% discount as you sign up for our newsletters.
3. Safety
It is always important to consider a child’s safety when it comes to toys, especially for infants and toddlers.
Wooden toys are free of toxic materials as compared to plastic toys. Plastic toys tend to contain toxins and additives. In the case of infants and toddlers, who usually like to put every object or toy in their mouth, this is not safe. Wooden toys in this case provide extra safety, especially with infants who are teething. Our Grapat Natural Nins&Rings range are excellent when it comes to teething.
4. Environmentally friendly
We all know the dangers of plastic and the effect it has on the environment.
Wooden toys are made of natural products, free of any toxins and are biodegradable. Due to this, it can be recycled.
By buying wooden toys for your kid's, you as parents are actively playing your role in helping the environment. As we know, there is #NOPLANETB
5. Durability- Value for money
When it comes to toys durability is another factor we have to take into consideration. We all know how kids love to toss their toys around or when they do not get what they want , “throw their toys out the cot” .
Most plastic toys can not bear the many hits, so eventually, they end up breaking. Wooden toys in this case are more robust, so they can handle the hits. So what does this mean for you as parents? That’s right, it means value for money.
Wooden toys can last a life time and can be passed down from generation to generation, holding sentimental value. Wooden toys do not break, they do not shatter, so we can all vouch to say WOOD IS GOOD!
Explore our variety of robust kids educational wooden toys in Australia at Amousewithahouse. Take advantage of the 5% discount when you sign up for our newsletters.