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What Is A Wooden Toy For A Child?


I think each of us remembers the times from our own childhood. The images of what is a wooden toy flood back from an early age get us unexpectedly because we got a characteristic odor characteristic for our childhood. Or maybe saw the toy on an exhibition of exactly the one we had, is not it usually a wooden toy?

It initiates ideas of a toddler, triggers cognitive activity, which he then sustains and directs. A wooden toy modifies the ways of playing, and each time it improves and enriches it, it is it that can free the child in the unlimited amounts of energy and strength, arouses in him the need and willingness to explore the world.

What is a Wooden toy - it is especially important, play in the case of children with disabilities. Deliberately and functionally designed wooden toys can guide the work of a disabled child. Toys are an incentive for children to continue learning and further efforts, which is why toys should be safe and should encourage the child to constantly discover them. Functional wooden toys encourage not only to play, but above all to search for new ways of using them, facilitate contact with the environment, allow you to create specific, long-term relationships with your child.

A wooden toy, in order to fulfill its task, must be appropriately selected, adapted to the child's mobility and locomotion, age and interests, and we must not forget that eventually our son or daughter will decide whether he wants such a toy and whether he will like it, we only we can, and even should, make the first selection - between "disposable" toys and those that survive the greatest symptoms of tenderness and interest of our little explorer.

Examples of types of toys suitable for all ages:

Until 6 months

· Moving toys that attract the child's attention

· Toys for squeezing and sucking · soft toys and balls

· Rattles, pipe bells

· Children's mirrors, books with faces of various grimaces

7-12 months

· Books made of fabric, thick cardboard, rubber

· Balls and balls of various sizes and with different properties

· Mobile toys, e.g. cars, ducks on wheels

· Large soft blocks

· Pails, mugs, floating toys

12-18 months

· Music boxes, musical toys, puzzles, books, coloring materials, toys put into one another and for pyramid laying,

· Toys for pulling and pushing

· Coloring books

· Vehicles

18 months - 2 years

· Nails and hammers

· Toys for sorting, threading

· Telephones, remote controls, laptops

· Musical toys

· Modeling

· Fairy tales for watching and listening

2 years - 3 and a half years

· Costumes for changing, sets of a small doctor, shopkeeper, mechanic, etc., construction toys, paints, colored paper, first scissors

· Simple games and puzzles with large elements (puzzle, memory)

· Household tools and appliances.

3 and a half years - 5 years

· Construction sets and vehicle models

· Boards, magnetic boards,

· Miniatures (garages, shops, doll houses)

· Sports toys

· books

· Microscopes, magnifying glasses

5 years - 7 years

· Dolls, clothes, accessories

· Children's versions of adult devices

· Manual work sets

· Queues

· board games

· musical instruments


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