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Role Playing For Children

Role Playing For Children

Children develop through play: Role Playing

During games, role playing enables children to learn about the world around them and develop intellectually, physically and emotionally.

There are different types of games - each of them is extremely important at various stages of our children's development. Around the age of two, a child's desire to imitate adult behavior appears - resulting in fun roles.
Thanks to them, children learn proper social behavior, become independent and develop their imagination.

Annual babies are not yet able to imitate the behavior they observe, 2-year-olds are increasingly trying to do it. In the third year of life, role-playing games regularly appear in the repertoire of everyday toddler activities. The tendency to imitate is one of the developmental needs.
Children not only reproduce what they have observed, but thanks to their imagination, they also add variety.
One of the favorite games for children - and both girls and boys is cooking and preparing meals.

This subject is with us every day. The child observes how parents are bustling in the kitchen and instinctively wants to imitate them.
I guess each of the parents saw how much fun the child enjoys with kitchen utensils - a real spoon, a ladle and a pot are often able to penetrate the most expensive toys, and the soup made of blocks is the biggest delicacy ever.

I have made up my child with various "recipes" with toys and my dishes :)
During such a fun, the sticks ceased to be ordinary sticks, and the chestnuts or stones were no longer ordinary chestnuts. They became pasta, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots ...
Because the interest in culinary topics was getting bigger, from time to time, on various occasions I bought her some kitchen accessories so that she could prepare meals for her dolls and teddy bears - and sometimes also for parents.

Both wooden and metal checked, with time they joined to them fruits, vegetables or other culinary products, which does not mean that in our "soups", the most ordinary blocks have stopped showing up .
The last time I was looking for a set of cutlery, so that the daughter could learn to cover the table properly and her party would look even more professional :) Contrary to appearances, finding a complete, not plastic set for 4 people was not so easy, but I managed to spot it in the set picnic Janod.

In addition to cutlery (four spoons, knives and forks), the set also contains 4 plates, cups and tablecloth.
Now each of the dolls has its own cover and can cut the delicacies prepared by the child.
Observation of a child during such play can be extremely interesting for a parent - he can see with what accuracy a child can play situations from their family life, sometimes he even repeats specific wording and gestures.
Children's statements during such games are not without significance. Monologues or dialogues, when a child plays two characters at the same time are very important for its development.
We can not forget about the responsibilities - after such a party you must wash it.


All the best,


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