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Fun in role play develops the imagination of the child.

Fun in role play develops the imagination of the child.

Fun in role play is a great opportunity to stimulate the toddler's imagination. The youngest children like it. Children can organize their time alone or with adults. What toys will help them?

Home theater

This game requires a bit more commitment and more participants. However, children love the theater and it is worth encouraging them to dress up and try to get into other characters, roles. It not only stimulates the imagination and inspires, but also positively influences the child's empathy and creativity as well as the ability to work in a group. Children can invent themselves, or play favorite scenes from books, costumes can be made of almost everything - just a little bit of imagination. However, if your kids really like this type of fun, it is worth investing in accessories that will add color to your home.

Kitchen for children

Children's ovens are becoming more and more popular. Already very young children love to play with pots, lids and spoons - transferring different things from a pot to a pot. Slightly bigger babies can have their own mini oven, which looks like this "for adults" while being safe for the child. Cooking together is a great opportunity to spend time together and children are happy to help parents or imitate their activities on their toy equipment.

Stuffed animals, dolls, figurines

Wagtail, dolls and figurines seem to be not very developing toys, but they are a great influence on the development of toddler's imagination and creativity. These are great toys when the child has to organize his own activities. Smaller children will organize simpler games, but the older ones can organize, for example, mascot treats or a theater performance! Stuffed animals and dolls can be a great audience during the general rehearsal before the performance is shown to adults.

It is worth encouraging children to play role-playing and to try new things. Children have extraordinary creativity, and the development of imagination has a very positive effect in adult life, because it teaches, for example, a creative approach to problems and finding solutions.

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